In South Korea, less than 300 cases of infection were detected per day SARS-CoV-2

Over the past day, less than 300 cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in South Korea. This was reported on August 31 by KBS, citing representatives of the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Follow the development of events in the broadcast: World against coronavirus: stabilization or the second wave? - All the news Follow the development of events in the broadcast: World against coronavirus: stabilization or the second wave? all news According to published data, 238 new cases are local, ten more cases are imported. The total number of confirmed infections in the country increased to 19,947. It is known that the indicator remains at less than three hundred for the second day in a row, and the daily number of new infections decreases for the fourth day in a row. It is noted that 91 cases of infection were detected in Seoul, 79 cases in Gyeonggido province, 13 cases in Incheon, nine each in Gwangju and Chuncheon Namdo Province, six cases in Daejeon, five each in Ulsan, Jeju and Jeolla Namdo Province, four each in Busan and Daegu, three in Gangwondo Province, two cases in Gyeongsang-Pukto province, one case in Saejon, Jeolla-Pukto and Gyeongsang-Namdo provinces. The number of deaths from COVID-19 increased by one person to 324.



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