Lukashenko's whereabouts revealed during protests in Minsk

The head of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, was in his residence in the capital of the country during protests by opposition representatives. This was announced on August 30 by the Telegram channel Pool One, commenting on photos of the head of state with a machine gun and body armor that appeared in Telegram channels. Follow the development of events in the broadcast: the Maidan is approaching: Belarus is on strike and protesting - all the news Photo was taken around 16:00 (coincides with Moscow), the report said. It is noted that the President of Belarus was in his residence at the moment when the protesters were at the Palace of Independence. According to the news agency, on August 30, protesters opposing the results of the presidential election in Belarus began to come to Lukashenko's residence. See also: Five APCs arrived at Lukashenko's residence in Minsk


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